With news and this week lots of different ideas for programme and events just for you. Please do share around to your fellow volunteers!

Swimming Gala

Well done to all that attended and took part in the Swimming Gala on Saturday. The 4th Eling Beavers must be real Beavers as they took all 3 trophies for each age range! 2nd Dyak Cubs won the Cub section and the 2nd Everett won the Scout Section. 

It was lovely to wander around and chat to everyone and see so many young people taking part. Thanks to Ian for organising it again this year, to Keith and Tim for taking the scores and Joy, the Active Support team plus some young people and parents for lane marking.

Young Leader Buckle

Ian Sims, Kevin Harmer and Lynn Tatavossian went to 2nd Copythorne last week and presented Alaric L-G with his Young Leader Buckle. Alaric has been a Young Leader with Cadnam River Beaver Scouts for several years and is a great help to the Beaver Leaders and leadership team. We also had chocolate cake to celebrate the Beaver’s 30th Birthday.

Good to be Green at Lyndhurst

Lynn hopped along to Lyndhurst in the week for a meeting and caught up with the Beavers.

They showed off their fantastic behaviour resource called Good to be Green. There are a number of cards and a display board with the leaders saying that it has made a positive impact on behaviour. The initial outlay is only £20 and is available online where you can also purchase additional stickers and resources. 

Lyndhurst Beavers are also looking for new Beaver Leaders to join their team as Grace & Neil are moving to the Scout Troop in the new year. If anyone is interested please contact Julie Mair for a chat. After all, you don’t need to be Bear Grylls to help them!

Whilst at Lyndhurst Lynn also presented their Group Chairperson, Nick Barwood, with his 5 year service award. Our thanks to Nick for doing a great service for the group and here’s to the next 5 years.

Some programme ideas for you:

Sleepover with a Difference

Looking for a sleepover in a new and different venue? St Michael’s & All Angels Church at Lyndhurst are happy for the church to be used for sleepovers. They even have a projector and screen for showing films, are OK with pop-up tents for segregated sleeping and the grounds can be used for wide games. Make sure the drop from the church to the road is in the risk assessment!

Ferny Crofts

If you are holding a group event please speak to the Ferny Crofts team. They can be hired to run an activity like tomahawk throwing and they also have popcorn and candy floss machines. You can find them for example at the Totton Santa Run on Sunday 8th. Find out more details here.

In Hampshire Scouts Update:

This week’s update has information on:

  • Carfest 2020: Want to come shout about Scouts at one of the best events in the Summer? Fun guaranteed.
  • Find your voice, spread the excitement and be the change. Scouts Speak Up for Young people and adults 1st and 2nd February.
  • Scratch are collecting toys for children.
District eNews 25.11.19
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