Following updated guidance from the Scouts, the Government and Public Health England, all face-to-face scout activities have had to cease until further notice. This includes gatherings of adults as well as young people.
This doesn’t mean that our activities stop however or that we cease helping our communities. We still follow our promise and do a little good each day, even if the scope of what we do isn’t as big as it might be.
Information sources
Check in on these places regularly to keep up to date with the latest information: The Government, NHS and Public Health England’s site detailing what everyone should do to remain safe and healthy. Latest advice from the Scouts and specific questions answered about running your scouts during this time of absense. Most of the advice has more detail at the Scouts at Home hub. Latest advice tailored for Hampshire with questions answered and webinars available for you to watch.
Programme ideas
There are several places where you can discover some great activities to take part in as you enjoy #TheGreatIndoors.

The first of these is the Great Indoors initiative by the Scouts themselves with over 100 activities linked to badges that can be done at home. From the creative to active there is lots to choose from.
Basingstoke East Scouts have also put together a selection of badges that can be done from home and have made resources that are good to go alongside them. Check out their Scouting at home site here.
For the groups that use it, OSM also has a Badges at home function as part of the parent portal which allows you to set activities to do at home which are optional.