From Lynn, Team DC.
I hope this finds you all safe and well. I would like to thank you all for keeping Scouting alive in New Forest North, we have heard and seen various really fantastic activities taking place online; I enjoyed taking part in the 5th Cub’s scavenger hunt, sourcing the brick was a challenge!
There are lots of ideas out there. I have sent other available online activities and info to Group Scout Leader’s to pass on to leaders when I was made aware of them. Check out Basingstoke East’s badge site here.
I have not been sending out weekly eNews as I am aware that everyone is adjusting to life in lockdown. There are various situations; some are still working, some have unfortunately been furloughed and some working from home. There is also the additional need to care for our elderly and vulnerable and those in self-isolation. I think we need to have a massive District party once we can meet up again.
So just a couple of things to let you know about.
Updated NAN Form
When planning your nights away, please use the updated Nights Away Notification (NAN) form and you need to be aware of the change of the requirement to attach a Risk Assessment. I have emailed HQ to get the typo in the last box amended.
The Scouts have published an updated risk assessment template on their safety mini-site ( so please make sure your assessments contain all the needed elements.
Hike to the Moon

I know from social media that some of you will already have seen this, but useful for those of you that haven’t.
On Thursday 23rd April, BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief are getting together for their Big Day In on Radio and their Big Night In on TV. It’s a massive fundraising special to celebrate the incredible people making a difference in communities across the UK and to support people who need it most during the coronavirus pandemic.
As part of this, Scouts are walking a mile (either on their exercise or at home) with the collective aim that we walk far enough to have hiked to the moon!
Take part or donate today at and please share with your scouts and sections.
Cubs play catch!
The 5th NFN (Testwood) Cubs had a virtual game of catch, passing a loo roll between the two packs and their leaders and ending up with a great video montage. They even challenge Eling Cubs to a similar challenge as well!
Take a look at their catch challenge video below
St. George’s Day – Share a story
An idea from Steven Osborn, 5th New Forest North (Testwood) Beaver Leader and District Scout Network Commissioner.
St. George’s Day is nearly upon us, a time when Scouts look back on a year and while we aren’t celebrating it in the usual way there are other ways of taking part.
We want you to share a memory of your time in Scouts this St. George’s Day (any time between the day itself on Thursday 23rd and Sunday 26th). It could be of a skill you learned, that trip you took, the people you met, but something that makes you proud to be a scout. If it happens to be from the past year then even better!
If you have one to share please email it to [email protected] and we’ll put some of these together on our district website. Pease do share them on social media as well to let others know about how great Scouts can be.
St. George’s Day – Celebration live stream
Martin Mackey, the County Commissioner, also invites all Scouts and non members to join together online to celebrate St George’s Day.
The live stream will take place on Thursday 23rd April at 7.30pm, follow the link below and click on the St Georges Day link. It will include a big clap to recognise our valued key workers. Feel free to wear your uniform and/or necker and join in.
Website feedback and changes
Steven is also asking for any suggestions for our district website, either ideas to include, pictures for pages or news items. Send them over to [email protected]
Please stay home, stay safe and our sincere thanks to those of you who are valued key workers.