Gone home – Mike Szymanski
For those of you that have not already heard, it is with great sadness that I have to let you know that Mike Szymanski very unexpectedly passed away last Tuesday 25th February. Mike was the former Group Chairman at the 5th Testwood and more recently Group Occasional Helper. Mike also assisted and supported wider District events and he was helping out at the Eagle Trophy on Saturday 22nd February.
Mike will be greatly missed by the very many friends he had made in the district over the years, our thoughts are with his wife Lisa, Cub Scout volunteer at 5th Testwood and his children.
Details of Mike’s funeral and wake will be distributed closer to the time. Mike always felt that funerals should be a celebration of life, therefore feel free to dress in colour and be comfortable as Mike always dressed for comfort. Lisa further said that uniform is entirely optional for leaders.
Lynn will shortly be sending a Covid-19 Risk Assessment for New Forest North, to all Group Scout Leaders for distribution to section leaders, this risk assessment will be amended and updated as and when the Government, the World Health Organisation or Public Health England update on precautions, restrictions etc.
I think it is inevitable that the situation will intensify and possibly quite quickly, it is also possible that large gatherings will be suspended, we have a St George’s Day Parade scheduled to take place in Lyndhurst in a few weeks, as you know this also attracts a very large public attendance, we will monitor the situation and follow all the guidance as and when it is updated.