New Forest North Scouts

These reports are part of a series from members across the district for the Annual General Meeting to be held online on 8th July 2020.

Whereas other sections are reporting on a period of a year since the previous AGM (approximately June – June), the financial reports and accounts are for the calendar year 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019.

Treasurer’s report.

The accounts were due to be approved by the District Executive on the 25th March 2020. With the suspension of face to face Scouting due to Covid-19 the meeting was conducted according to POR by email, with the accounts being approved by the Trustees by email.

The accounts consist of four documents. These are:-

  • Independent’s Examiner’s Report on the Accounts
  • Trustee’s Annual Report
  • Receipts and Payments Account which includes the Support Fund, Badges Account and the District Scout Active Support Account
  • Receipts and Payments Account for the Scout Network and Explorer Units

The accounts were examined by Derek Baulf. The detailed check of the Network and Explorer Accounts was carried out by me.

The Main Account shows an excess of payments over expenditure of £1445, excluding the District Expedition to Great Tower and the Beaver float. The surplus has been transferred to the Support Fund.

The Support Fund received £114 interest from the Charity Deposit Account; £400 was transferred from the badge account; and the £1380 surplus from 2018. A donation totalling £675 was made from this fund to participants going to Malawi, Tanzania & the Jamboree.

The badges component of the Badge Account shows a surplus of £621. This takes in consideration the £400 transferred to support fund, the account outstanding from Groups and value of the stock.

The SAS accounts show a deficit of £108. These accounts are included in the Badge Account. The Network and Explorer Scout Units are all continue to be self-financing. A breakdown of the income and expenditure for the 2019 Malawi trips appears on the third page of the Receipts and Payments Account for the Network and Explorer Units.

Within the general funds, there are £1711 held for the Beaver Scout section and £1987 from the Great Tower Expedition.

Keith Greenaway
District Treasurer

Badge Secretary’s Report

During 2019 we distributed to the Groups, 5940 badges to the value of £4021.


261 Investiture Sets

1421 Staged Activities

424 Joining in Awards

85 RN Recognition


520 Activities

490 Challenge

43 Chief Scout Silver

118 Stripes

30 Moving On

14 Link to Scouts


884 Activities

482 Challenge

44 Chief Scout Bronze

25 Moving On


1 Activities

1 Young Leaders Award Buckles

54 Young Leaders Module A

30 Young Leaders Mission


248 Challenge

285 Activities

62 Stripes

26 Chief Scout Gold

14 Stripes

£400 was transferred to The District Support from the proceeds. My thanks go to Group Badge Secretaries who greatly reduce my task.

Keith Greenaway
District Treasurer

AGM 2019-20: Finance and Badge reports.