Race Round the World

I have heard that several sections and some leaders took part in Race Around the World. I suspect there are others that have taken part too. A huge Well Done for taking part and helping to support groups that are struggling to stay open. The total on the Scout Association website is showing at £222,769 and donations can still be made up until 8th January. 

If you want to recognise a young person for taking part, there are certificates available to download. They are on the Scout website at the bottom of the page.

District Training

Congratulations go to Julie Robbins for completing her Assistant Scout Leader Wood Badge, well done Julie. Also, our thanks to the GSLs and the Training Advisors that have worked with Julie Mair, as our Local Training Manager, to ensure all Leaders are compliant with their Mandatory Training. Many thanks to Julie for running the monthly compliance report and extracting the information for us.

Adult Training 2021

Dates for 2021 training have been added to the Hampshire Scouts website, details here

The County Training Team will be running interactive webinars from January through to March. All the modules that ran in 2020 are available, just in case you missed them the first time around, plus modules 8 & 9. 

From April onwards they have programmed in several face to face training weekends, including three residential weekends, a multi-module weekend and module 38 weekend. Due to Coronavirus, face-to-face training courses will be reviewed on a monthly basis.

The Manager & Supporter courses, Meeting the Challenges and Achieving Growth, are now available as interactive webinars. You can find details and booking form on the Manager & Supporter training page.

District Directory

I really need to get an updated District Directory distributed following several requests for an up-to-date version, the current one is July 2019. It was decided at the District Team meeting, at the beginning of the year, that the info in the directory will be reduced down to Group details, leaders’ names, role, email address & a telephone number. It was agreed that addresses no longer need to be shared to all.

GSLs will shortly receive my latest record of their Group members to update, return to me to collate and distribute to the uniformed leaders and executive members. If you do not wish some, or all, of your details to be in the directory then please let your GSL know by Friday 8th January 2020, otherwise the Compass held info will be used. Please ensure your contact details are accurate in Compass, as that is what the GSLs will be checking against.


I doubt I will have anything further for an eNews this side of 2021. As a very strange 2020 is drawing to a close, we would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year, one that we are all hoping will see the return of some normality to our lives and to Scouting.

We once again thank you for all your hard work in keeping Scouting alive in New Forest North, delivering some fantastic virtual activities and when you could, face-to-face meetings took place; all alongside the additional risk assessments, juggling work, furlough, queuing, masks, hand washing, sanitising and keeping yourselves and your families safe.

Take care of yourselves and we hope to see more of you in 2021.

District eNews 19.12.20
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