Happy New Year and welcome to 2020, I hope you all had a fantastic festive break and looking forward to another fun filled, exciting and active Scouting year in New Forest North!
December was a very busy month for recognising training and long service achievements, our sincere thanks and congratulations to our leaders and supporters:
Steven Osborn, 5th Testwood Beaver Scout Leader, Wood Beads
Johnny Wellman, 6th Netley Marsh, Scout Sectional assistant, 5 years Service Award
Joe Simes, 5th Testwood Assistant Scout Leader, 5 years Service Award
Juile Robbins, 5th Testwood Assistant Scout Leader, 10 years Service Award
Mike Jones, 5th Testwood Assistant Scout Leader, 5 years Service Award
Lorna Cotter, 4th Eling, Assistant Cub Scout Leader, Wood Beads; which I believe Robin presented at Southampton Train Station before they headed off to Panto, “Oh no he didn’t!”, “Oh yes he did!”
Congratulation to all and thank you for your continued service to Scouts and the young people in the district.
Mandatory Ongoing Training
There are still a few spaces available on the below mandatory training. The safety and safeguarding are required by leaders who already hold a wood badge, so its important that leaders are aware of these sessions. Most of you know if you need these courses as I will have emailed you late last year with a reminder.
Safety 12:00 to 2:00 pm, Safeguarding 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Sessions can be booked via the usual booking form on the adult training page on Hampshire Scout website. First Aid – Fully Booked – alternative dates are here: http://www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/adult-support/adult-training/district-run-adult-training-modules/
Sleepover Opportunity
I have received an email regarding a new sleepover opportunity which you may be interested in. Trampoline park anyone?
Young Leader Module A and update
Reminder that there is a Young Leader Module A course on Friday 10th January 18:30 – 20:30 at 5th Testwood’s HQ, booking directly with Kevin on [email protected].
Explorer Leaders please push this one first week back as the next course will not be until April in our District. Future dates are on Friday 24th April, Friday 17th July and Friday 20th November.
Please find attached a first Young Leader Newsletter from Kevin Harmer, this is relevant for all Explorers, not just Young Leaders.
Gambia 2020
There are a last few places available on The Gambia 2020 Explorer Expedition which will be underway this time next year. If you have anyone that is interested please get in contact with Paul Stubbington ASAP. Participants need to be 14+ at the end of this year.
Monopoly run
One final opportunity for you all.

In Hampshire Scouts Update:
The previous update has information on:
- Ferny Crofts’ mud run
- Pro badge training
- Hampshire Air Ambulance collecting used stamps.