What’s been happening? Carols by the fireside By Dave Gilam, Group Scout Leader at 3rd Ringwood. On Friday 2nd December, and following an enforced absence of 3 years, around 120 carollers – all members of 3rd Ringwood or their families…

Scouting for everyone across the northern New Forest.
What’s been happening? Carols by the fireside By Dave Gilam, Group Scout Leader at 3rd Ringwood. On Friday 2nd December, and following an enforced absence of 3 years, around 120 carollers – all members of 3rd Ringwood or their families…
Has it really been a month since the last Tails? Our Scouts of all ages and across the district have been busy this past month and here are just some stories from them, big and small. A real slice of…
Great Start for New Young Leaders By Steven Osborn, Assistant Explorer Scout Leader for Young Leaders Young Leaders get stuck into their local community, helping out our younger Scouts with learning skills for life. On Monday 17th January it was…
This report is part of a series from members across the district for the Annual General Meeting to be held online on 8th July 2020. April – September 2019 The Scout section across the District continues to provide with support…
This report is part of a series from members across the district for the Annual General Meeting to be held online on 8th July 2020. We are 13 in number still and we are an active bunch despite most of…