Scouts from Lyndhurst have been getting their hands dirty with some activities with a theme of nature conservation
Clearing and planting
On the afternoon of the 2nd March, a group of Scouts and Cubs from Lyndhurst Scout Group undertook some conservation work within Pondhead Inclosure, just outside Lyndhurst. The work required the clearance of some bracken, brambles and undergrowth from an area of approximately 1/3 acre in preparation for the planting of some new trees.

Then on the afternoon of the 16th March, a team of Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and parent volunteers returned to the area to complete the preparation and plant circa 350 trees. They planted a mixture of field maple, oak, rowan, small leaved lime, wild cherry, birch and grey will. Along with deer guards to prevent the trees becoming dinner over the coming weeks.

The area that we chose for the new trees was adjacent to the area that we planted 400 trees as part of the Queen’s Jubilee, in March 2022. It was a wonderful opportunity for the members to see the change to the area, as a lot of the participants planted the previous trees.
Bird boxes
During last term the Scout Troop spent a couple of weeks making bird boxes for member of the Tit an Sparrow and for a garden favourite the Robin. Scouts spent the 1st week sawing out their timber kindly supplied by SC Soffe & Sons. This all worked towards their Creative and Skills challenge badges and towards their DIY activity badge.

On the 2nd week they used hammers and nails / tacks to join all the sections together . To attach the lid they used a piece of bicycle inner tube and felt tacks.

The scouts took their boxes home to erect them in the garden somewhere. Hopefully we will get reports shortly of birds nesting in their boxes.