Commissioner’s Commendation Awards

Team DC recently sent out some well-deserved Commissioner’s Commendations to Joy Sellwood, Jan Greenaway, Sheila Littlecott, Bill Littlecott and Miki Horner. Commendations were also given to Debbie St. John and Tara Dunton by Barry Stride. A huge thank you for all you do to support sections, groups and the district, it really is appreciated.

Along with a certificate, the award comes with a purple knot cloth badge for the Uniform and for non-uniform members, supporters or members of the public there is an enamel pin badge alternative. Further Good Service Awards will be arriving at the beginning of December, Headquarters are processing them now.

Gone Home

Kerie recently let us know that Mike Peck, previously Scout Leader (Skip) at 5th Testwood Panther Troop, sadly passed away two weeks ago. The funeral is 13.00hrs on the 30th October 2020 at the Southampton Crematorium (Chapel not known yet), there will be a webcast and Kerie will forward details when he receives them from Mike’s daughter.


As we are not able to hold our usual District Christingle this year, this is a link to a Children’s Society website which has some ideas for virtual Christingles which individual sections may like to try.

Thank You

Finally, another huge ‘Thank You’ shout out to everyone in the District for getting back together, whether that’s face to face or virtually or a mixture of both in some sections, there is some fantastic Scouting taking place right across the District.

District eNews 24.10.20