Adult training via Zoom

Got a bit of time on your hands? Why not get some training ticked off thanks to some new remote training modules being offered by the Hampshire Scouts team via Zoom.

Lynn helped deliver a Module 7 course a few weeks ago and it works really well, with Module 36 following in August. The below have been organised and they are already on the Hampshire Scouts website to book:

21st June, 10am – 12.30pm  Module 12B – Programme Planning
4th July, 10am – 1pm  Module 19 – International
18th July,  10am – 1pm Module 25 – Assessing Learning
19th July, 10am – 1pm Module 13 – Growing the section
23rd July, 7pm – 9.30pm  Module 37  – Advising on Adult Appointments
25th July, 10am – 4pm  Modules 28 + 29 – Facilitating and Presenting
1st August, 10am – 1pm  Module 14  – Supporting Young People
2nd August, 10am – 1pm  Module 5 – The Fundamentals of Scouting
6th August,  7pm – 9.30pm  Module 11 – Administration
8th August,  10am – 12.30pm  Module 36 – Adjustments to Scouts
15th August, 10am – 1pm  Module 15 – Promoting Positive Behaviour
20th August,  7pm – 9.30pm Module 16 – An Introduction to Residential Experiences

This is a fantastic opportunity to join and gain the learning needed for your role, all from the comfort of your own home.

The Training Advisers in our District are then happy to have a Zoom validation meeting, please email one to organise a date and time.

Julie Mair, Andy Chatwin, Mike Ferris, Steven Osborn, Simon Down are available to validate any leader. Ian Sims can validate anyone not from the 2nd, 4th or the District team and Lynn Tatavossian can validate anyone not from the 1st, 6th or District team. If you do not have their emails then please do contact us using the form on the Contact page.

Appointments Advisory Committee

We desperately still need people to sign up to join the Appointsment Advisory Committee. They meet with new volunteers to make sure they are ready and supported for their new role and are suitable to work with young people.

The role is perfect for those who can’t volunteer on a regular basis as the commitment is a maximum of one evening a month. The more members we have the less meetings that need to be attended. They are usually held on the first Monday of the month if we have any new leaders.

If you are interested please let the district team know and we can put you in touch with the current chair of the committee to talk though the process. The only training requirement is Module 37 ‘Advising on Adult Appointments’ and that’s available via Zoom on 23rd July 7pm – 9.30pm.

Hampshire Scouts 14-25 Diary

Please find attached an updated list of events for Explorers, Young Leaders, Scout Network and anyone completing the Top Awards. Please forward onto members / teams.

Mike Baxter says they have added a workshop on employability skills after the survey – if you know anyone who could contribute to this, please let contact Mike directly. [email protected]

District AGM

The Distrcit’s AGM is to be held on Wednesday 8th July 2020 between 7pm and 8.30pm via Zoom. The details have been sent out by email for all leaders to register interest before being opened up.

At the AGM, Christine Hughes is sadly standing down after 16 years as our District Chair. Chris has done a fantastic job and will be greatly missed, although I know Chris will still be at our District events and supporting local groups. Thank you Chris, we really appreciate all you have done.

Clive Henry has kindly agreed to take over the reins from Chris, so a huge welcome and thank you to Clive as our new District Chair from next month.

Sadly Fiona Francis has said she will also be stepping down as our District Minutes Secretary in December. We will be sad to see Fiona leave and will be greatly missed too. I am sure we will still see Fiona at our District events.


Julie Mair, as Lynn Tatavossian’s Training Advisor, sends congratulations to Lynn on completing all her training modules as DC and ACC Inclusion. Sincere thanks to Julie for the Zoom validation and support.

Camping Challenge

The Hampshire Camping challenge has been adapted for camping at home. To get the camping challenge badge with #campathome you simply have to ‘camp’ a certain number of nights before the end of the year.

This challenge is open to Beavers (min 3 nights), Cubs (min 6 nights), Scouts (min 9 nights), Explorers, Network and Leaders (min 12 nights). Section leaders can complete with their section (I.e. do same number of nights) if they wish. Sign up to the Camping Challenge here.

District eNews 14.06.20
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