We think it’s important that all of our volunteer leaders are first aid trained so they can be prepared for whatever happens. With some changes recently to first aid training to accommodate the pandemic, we thought it a good time to go over the changes.
Module 10A – First Aid Theory is still available as blended learning. You need to complete the e-learning prior to attending the First Response Zoom Session.
Module 10B – First Aid Practical is delivered as a short 20-minute drop-in session to cover the practical skills you need. Everyone needs to complete this within six months of us reaching Green readiness level.
Both Modules are available to book via the Hampshire Scouts Training website HERE.
If you have already completed Module 10A, please book Module 10B as demand for spaces across the County will be high.
Any questions can be directed to Mike Baxter, First Aid Coordinator with Hampshire Scouts via email: [email protected].