This is the last eNews from our two separate districts, however this one is pretty much about the new District anyway, having already had the Harry’s Island weekend and the Soap Box Derby as joint events.
Moving forward eNews will be called ‘Tales of the New Forest’. Please send your articles with pictures (if permission has been given) to the Team DC mailbox. [email protected].
Merger update

So, only a few days to go. The new district team necker is in production and was based on designs from both DC Ryan and Donna Kerrigan.

You should have already seen the new district arm badge, but just in case you missed it. These are on order but slightly delayed, we will get them distributed as soon as they arrive.
Thank you to all the GSLs for completing the 2 forms that Donna sent out to change the names of all the Groups in the North and for all Groups to join the new district. These have now all been submitted to Gilwell.
Harry’s Island weekend
The weekend of 03-05 September, Scout leaders across both Districts camped at Harry’s Island to get to know each other and share ideas. Saturday afternoon was an open drop-in session for all leaders to pop in and meet each other.
All of Team DC were there and it was a great opportunity to personally hand out some awards. Donna Kerrigan and Andy Chatwin both received 40 years long service awards and Roger Newland was awarded a Commissioner’s Commendation in recognition of all he does in the district.
The evening was organised to recognise all of the Long Service and Good Service awards that were received in both Districts since March 2020, a roll of honour was read out and congratulations shared. There are a couple of stray awards not yet presented so we will hold off publishing the roll until they are complete.
Thank you to everyone that was able to come along, to Simon Down ADC Scouts for organising the camping and DC Ryan for doing the shopping and being in control of the BBQ. There was oodles of cake, cookies and shortbread for dessert.
We had a free raffle of both district’s remaining district neckers and Roger gave us some polos, sweatshirts, woggles & keyrings left over from the Scout Shop. The neckers were handed out on the evening and DC Lynn has hand delivered the rest over the last week or so. There are still 2 medium sized NFW grey polo shirts if anyone would like one, they do come up larger than a medium.
Soap Box Derby

The Soap Box Derby was started in 2007, by John Trinder (Scout Active Support), to mark 100 years of Scouting and proved so popular it has become an annual event.
Sunday 26 September saw the event take place at Netley Marsh Church Hall field on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Our sincere thanks to our fantastic District Scout Active Support Unit members, the whole day ran perfectly and was so well organised, the tea and coffee flowed, plus the cakes and scones were amazing.
Thanks also to Kerie for managing the results and keeping them well hidden, a certain Scout troop should have come with a drone!
There was a fantastic turnout with over 30 teams taking part, the final results were:
Beavers (One way)
1st – Testwood 58.65 seconds
2nd – Testwood 62.27 seconds
3rd – Netley Marsh 67.65 seconds
Cubs (Two ways)
1st – Lyndhurst 105.71 seconds
2nd – Copythorne, Dyak 127.55 seconds
3rd – Lyndhurst 133.82 seconds
Scouts (Two ways)
1st – Copythorne, Everett. 91.10 seconds.
2nd – Copythorne, Everett 94.72 seconds.
3rd – Lyndhurst 103.82 seconds.
District Diary
We can now share a Diary of events again, attached is the latest version. If I have missed anything please let me know and I can update it.
Centenary Band
The Centenary Band are looking for new members, regardless of previous musical experience.

If you are interested give Clive a ring for a chat on 023 8081 1160.
This is the link to their Facebook page for information on what they do, there are some great pictures on there of them in action.
Chief Scouts Awards Day
We have had a fantastic response to our CSA activity day being held at Ferny Crofts on Sunday 10th October; 36 Bronze, 47 Silver & 8 Gold. There are much higher numbers of awards achieved but not everyone is able to make the activity day.
Squirrels – launch and ADC search

You have all hopefully heard about the new early years Scout section that has been launched following successful pilots around the country.
I have sent GSLs the relevant information, but there is absolutely no pressure to open a Squirrels Drey. Groups that are interested will work with DC Ryan to complete the process and there is HQs support too, a HQs cohort will be allocated 10 Dreys to support during the start up process.
There were several expressions of interest from parents at the Soap Box Derby and some were also prepared to be new leaders.
Would anyone be interested in becoming our new ADC Squirrels? This will be a support role and be the link with the HQs cohort and DC Ryan. Please contact Ryan to discuss further [email protected]
District All Leaders Meeting
A reminder that the first All Leaders meeting of the new district is on Thursday 14th October at 2nd Copythorne Scout HQs – Map link here
There is absolutely no requirement for ‘ALL’ leaders to be there, but please circulate around all your leaders and encourage at least 1 representative to attend from each section. This is the section’s opportunity for discussion on how best to move forward as a section in the larger District.
We will endeavour to keep the air circulating so please ensure you dress appropriately for the cooler evenings. The start time is 20:00hrs, but we know some may be a little late if it’s their section meeting evening.
District Website
The New Forest district website is live (you are on it right now!). The newsletter also gets uploaded to the district website so please share this link with parents so they can see what else is going on in the district.
GSLs, or your nominated website manager, please check the accuracy of your webpages and let Steven Osborn know of any amendments required. [email protected]
Many thanks
Lynn, Ian, Kevin, Robin & Ryan
Team DC – New Forest