Want to find out some of the things behind the scenes? We’ve got a couple of things here to help de-mistify things. It’s important because it is our Scout Network members who make the big decisions so its key that these approaches (some would call them policies but we like to keep in interesting) are easy to find.
You’ll find some of them down below:
Code of Conduct
Every few years we create and review our code of conduct of how we work together to make sure we are all welcome and that weekly meetings run smoothly.
Read our code of conduct here.
It was written by the Network members themselves and includes all of us at any time we’re being Network.
Subs, expenses and claiming rules.
Any activity involves a bit of money somewhere along the line. Network is one of the most affordable things out there and we’ve outlined what is owed and how we cover expenses when people need to buy something for our activities.
When money is tight.
We’ve been there and sometimes money can be a little tight. We’re very flexible and want to make it work for you. If you’re ever in this situation at come along to Network often then please let one of us know so we can sort something out.
Subs payments can be made in advance or late if needed. Plus we know lots of places where any extras such as uniform can be gained for less or in some cases next to nothing. We want to make it work for you so please just let us know. Some easy contacts can be found in the code of conduct.